Commit f36eae6d authored by Illia Baida's avatar Illia Baida

Roman to Decimal (ready to test)

parent 8f4a9598
......@@ -2,6 +2,11 @@
text-align: center;
.App input {
font-size: 14px;
width: 250px;
.App-logo {
height: 10vmin;
pointer-events: none;
import React, { useEffect, useCallback, useState, useMemo } from "react";
import logo from "./logo.svg";
import "./App.css";
import Converter from './helper/converter';
import Converter from "./helper/converter";
const Inputs = { toDecimal: "toDecimal", toRoman: "toRoman" };
......@@ -27,27 +27,36 @@ function App() {
}, [toDecimalValue, toRomanValue]);
// convert values
const converted = useMemo(() => {
const convertedDecimal = useMemo(() => {
const romanToBeConverted = toDecimalValue;
return Converter.fromRoman(romanToBeConverted);
}, [toDecimalValue]);
const convertedRoman = useMemo(() => {
const decimalToBeConverted = toRomanValue;
return {
toDecimal: Converter.fromRoman(romanToBeConverted),
toRoman: Converter.toRoman(decimalToBeConverted)
}, [toDecimalValue, toRomanValue]);
return Converter.toRoman(decimalToBeConverted);
}, [toRomanValue]);
return (
<div className="App">
<header className="App-header">
<img src={logo} className="App-logo" alt="logo" />
<p>Available range: from 1 to 3999</p>
<p>{`Available range: from ${Converter.decimalLimit[0]} to ${Converter.decimalLimit[1]}`}</p>
<h3>Converter: Roman to Decimal</h3>
<input name={Inputs.toDecimal} onChange={handleChange} />
<span>Value is: {converted.toDecimal}</span>
placeholder="Enter Roman number here"
<span>Decimal value is: {convertedDecimal}</span>
<h3>Converter: Decimal to Roman</h3>
<input name={Inputs.toRoman} onChange={handleChange} />
<span>Value is: {converted.toRoman}</span>
placeholder="Enter Decimal number here"
<span>Roman value is: {convertedRoman}</span>
export default class Converter {
// NOTE: there is possible to extend Dictionary: first Add new <letter> : <value> pair then update decimalLimit array
static decimalLimit = [1, 3999];
static Dictionary = {
I: 1,
V: 5,
......@@ -6,7 +8,9 @@ export default class Converter {
L: 50,
C: 100,
D: 500,
M: 1000
M: 1000,
// K: 5000, // extend Dictionary by adding at least 2 new pairs
// F: 10000,
static _dictionaryValues = Object.values(this.Dictionary).reverse();
......@@ -61,8 +65,6 @@ export default class Converter {
return dictionary;
static _formatExpression() {}
static _multiplyString(str, times) {
let res = "";
for (let i = 0; i < times; i++) {
......@@ -74,7 +76,11 @@ export default class Converter {
static toRoman(decimalValue) {
let romanExpression = "";
this._decimalToPropagate = decimalValue;
this._decimalToPropagate = +decimalValue;
if(this._decimalToPropagate < this.decimalLimit[0] || this._decimalToPropagate > this.decimalLimit[1]){
return '[Validation error: invalid range]'
const calculatedDictionary = this._dictionaryNames.reduce(
(dictionary, sign) => this._extractMultiple(sign, dictionary),
......@@ -149,20 +155,40 @@ export default class Converter {
let result = 0;
const signs = romanExpression.split("");
const validated = signs.every(s => this._validateSign(s));
return '[Validation error]'
for (let seqIndex = 0; seqIndex < signs.length; ) {
const currentSign = signs[seqIndex];
const upperDictionarySign = this._dictionaryNames[
this._dictionaryNames.indexOf(currentSign) - 1
const upperDictionaryDecimalGroupSign = this._dictionaryNames[
this._dictionaryNames.indexOf(currentSign) - 2
if (upperDictionarySign === signs[seqIndex + 1]) {
// records like IX CD CM XL
if (upperDictionarySign && upperDictionarySign === signs[seqIndex + 1]) {
// records like IV CD XL
const representChunk =
this.Dictionary[upperDictionarySign] - this.Dictionary[currentSign];
result += representChunk;
seqIndex += 2;
} else if (
upperDictionarySign &&
this._isSignDescribesDecimalGroup(currentSign) &&
upperDictionaryDecimalGroupSign === signs[seqIndex + 1]
) {
// records like IX CM XC
const representChunk =
this.Dictionary[upperDictionaryDecimalGroupSign] -
result += representChunk;
seqIndex += 2;
} else {
// records like CCC XX III
// records like CCC XX III X I
const timesToMultiply = this._extractSeqSameSigns(
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